Thursday, September 12, 2024

Point buy is racist

Racist towards strong people. Or what are you telling me? that if you go to the gym and reach STR +1 its because you are either dumb, clumsy and/or have execrable charisma?

Those are evil stereotypes that might have been created innocently: the dumb brute, the frail genius. Or maybe not? Subconsciously you are being told since childhood that by avoiding physical activity you are not getting weak, but smarter. You are too good to partake in the games of dumb brutes.

Then on the other side, avoiding books, art and philosophy doesn't limit you: on the contrary, you are part of the strong men, who don't need the knowledge of puny men.

Thats one of the many reasons I like to roll for stats, and hate point buy with all my soul.

Actually, the opposites might be true: Strength, Wisdom and Intelligence can make a case to be merged on a super-stat. It is natural that wise people is rapidly aware that strength is a very important thing to hone, even if just a little, and spend some time of their week pulling some bars or equivalent. On the mirror side, naturally strong people has less worries about validation, dopamine hunting and also get much more women. Those worries leave place to much more time to cultivate themselves in any arts and sciences they wish to pursue.

This might be the reason for which quarterbacks are given bonuses to get in their chosen universities in the american movies.
Non-strong kids are assumed to be smart by some, but they are just low key unless they have some charisma (and become emos) or dexterity (play guitar and become super emos)

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