This is just a concept I came up with, that I like and may become part of a ruleset someday. Numbers are improvised but I want to give an idea of the chance proportions more than an exact measure.
* Health of common human NPCs goes from 1 to 4 points (lets call them "hearts" as I am playing a lot of Zelda lately). Beyond four hearts, you can only find adventurers and monsters, with no limit at all.
* Worn armor adds to your hearts.
* Everyone has a "fight" skill, that ranges from 1 to 4 in common humans (with 4 being strong ones). Characters that are worthy of being a shonen anime character can raise their fight skill beyond that (6,7,8...). This should be rolled randomly, but leveled during the game.
* Melee checks are done by rolling 1d12 equal or under that score. A hit means you deal your weapon's damage (a fixed number of hearts: like 2 for a punch, or maybe 4 for a sword). On a miss, you might still deal 1 damage. This way, variable damage is achieved with a single roll,
* Initiative is simultaneous for now. Lets see what happens. If two hits would happen mutually, the highest number happens before the other (and if that means that the enemy is killed, his attack doesn't happen). It would still happen if there is a tie.
* If your opponent hits you and you miss, you don't deal the 1 damage, and viceversa. As an addendum to this, i'm thinking that spears should increase your fighting skill by 1 or more, maybe. So they are good at stopping attackers and have a reason to be lent to unskilled levies both as in mimicking the real world as in gameplay.
* If there is a sensible reason for which a miss would not deal damage, it doesn't.
* Some armors might substract 1 damage from all attacks, negating damage on a miss.
* Ranged combat doesn't need special rules or it seems so.
* Receiving no damage from an attack is possible only if you choose to evade (and spending an action for it). Roll under your evade skill, dexterity or whatever there is, to do it.
* An enemy moves too fast, and you can't represent it through AC? you can represent it by giving the attacker disadvantage (roll 2d12 and take worst). Maybe two misses are no damage, miss and hit is a miss, and two hits are a hit. Yeah, that sounds good.
* Giving advantage (roll 2d12 and take best) is also easy to do. Power ups from feats or magic weapons can also take the shape of multiple attacks, chain attacks (extra attacks on a hit), damage multipliers (like "you deal 2x damage if you spend a turn charging the attack") amongst others.
* Shields should work as negating damage on a roll of X I guess. I'm having samurais all the time on the mind, so I havent thought about that, but im sure that shields do not give more "hearts". It doesn't work conceptually.
* I like that this system makes the low-ranked fighters be careless about what weapon they wield, as the increase in damage per turn will be very small for a PC of fight:1. No matter which weapon he gets, he will tend to deal 1 damage per turn ever unless he rolls a 1.