* This is a list of gameable things that I took by watching Katanagatari.
1 - An island inhabited by a powerful fighter and his family; as he was abandoned there by his lord.
2 - A land that its been completely overrun by a desert, from which only the top of a castle remains. The castle is a dungeon with the entry on the top.
3 - A swordsman who, from a non-threatening sitting position, can unleash an speed of light attack; but only if you step 1 milimeter into the room he is in.
4 - The concept of a tactician that cannot combat, but instead watches you fight and comes up with the best approach to any duel or battle.
5 - A four handed automat/puppet, with a sword in each hand, and another one hidden in the mouth; that is powered by solar energy (basking in the sun for a while during the daily routine) and is also shaped after the author's loved woman.
6 - A group of ninjas who are gorgeously cosplayed as an animal each. Seriously I really want to use this one.
7 - An interesting reason for being a monk in-game (because you are a human sword, so you cannot use swords)
8 - A bunch of poisoned (read as cursed) weapons with diverse powerups. Then, a wooden sword whose ability is make you feel righteous, and a bladeless sword that makes you overanalyze yourself to the point to "cut" you.
Houhou sama! I really liked that character for some reason. The series themselves are 12 episodes of awesome anime of the 2000s era. I reccomend it to all the old school anime fans like me.